Medal of Honor for Gabriel Navarrete

WHEREAS, the United States of America and the president of the United States of America authorized by an Act of Congress on July 9, 1918 has certified, recognized and awarded two silver stars, the distinguished service cross, the bronze star and seven purple hearts to Major Gabriel Navarrete for his conspicuous gallantry, valor anid intrepidity in combat in Italy during World War II,

WHEREAS, Gabriel Navarrete of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 36th Infantry Division, U.S. 5th Army was considered by his commanding officers as an experienced intelligence gatherer and knowledgeable on evaluating the enemy's strength,

WHEREAS, Gabriel Navarrete, in January, 1944, was assigned to lead a patrol across the Rapido River in Italy. Mission, to cross enemy lines, to reconnoiter, to determine the position of the enemy, find a suitable crossing point and get vital information on the strength of the Germans,

WHEREAS, Gabriel Navarrete engaged the enemy in close combat in which he received his seventh wound, returned with the vital information for the commanders of the 36th Infantry Division and gave his report and his experienced opinion that the crossing would be a disaster,

WHEREAS, he was not alone in this assessment. General Fred Walker, Commander of the 36th Infantry Division, was quoted as saying, "I do not know of a single case in military history where an attempt to cross a river that is incorporated in the main line of resistance has succeeded. So I am prepared for defeat,"

WHEREAS, Gabriel Navarrete stated that upon his return General Walker orally informed Navarrete that he admired what he had accomplished and did consider him and would recommend him for the Congressional Medal of Honor,

WHEREAS, General Mark Clark did not heed Navarrete's expert report and recommendation and ordered the crossing proceed. The crossing was a disaster where over 1,700 men lost their lives. Navarrete's experienced opinion, if heeded would have saved those lives,

WHEREAS, Gabriel Navarrete was recognized for his leadership and received his Lieutenant's commission on the battlefield,

WHEREAS, Gabriel Navarrete's outstanding leadership lead to further promotions as 1st Lieutenant and Captain and at the end of the hostilities he was promoted to Major, a rank that he currently holds in the Army Reserve.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this organization, The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) join in full endorsement and support along with the Los Angeles Chapter of the 11th Airborne Division Association of Southern California, "Rakkasans" Chapter One and "Rakkasans" Steel Beret Chapter in their campaign and efforts to support and encourage the President of the United States of America and the United States Congress to award Army Major Gabriel Navarrete the Congressional Medal of Honor.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, Texas LULAC urge the U.S. Department of Defense, Congressmen and Congresswomen via President George W. Bush to award Army Major Gabriel Navarrete the Congressional Medal of Honor

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, LULAC Executive Board Members and general members contact his/her federally elected officials to urge the support of the awarding of the Congressional Medal of Honor to Army Major Gabriel Navarrete

Submitted by Council 4568, District 21.

Approved this 29th day of June, 2002.

Hector M. Flores
LULAC National President

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