Ideas to Get You Started
Ask your child's principal how they plan to use the Census in Schools program in the classroom.
If you or someone you know does not have a job, apply for a job as a census taker.
Host a LULAC-2010 Census House Party! When friends and family stop by over the holidays, show them what the 2010 Census form looks like, talk about the census and ask each other questions. Take pictures of your friends and family with 2010 Census materials, send them to LULAC, and they can be featured online on the LULAC-2010 Census web page! Telemundo is interested in interviewing LULAC people in their neighborhood to show how Latinos are talking about the census – contact me for more information.
Volunteer at a festival and hand out 2010 Census materials.
Ask your pastor, priest, rabbi, minister or reverend if you can make an announcement before or after a religious service.
Bake a 2010 Census cake with your family and take it to work/school the next day.
Ask a 2010 Census representative to come to where you work to talk about the 2010 Census during lunch or break time.
Contact your local Census Bureau office for posters, hand-outs, and give-aways in English and Spanish.
Go online and check out all the great resources available to you from the Census Bureau: www.2010.census.gov/2010census/
Host a 2010 Census BBQ, Beauty Day, block party OR include 2010 Census information in any event you have from now until April 2010.
For more information, please contact Amanda Lee Keammerer-Aderibigbe, National Community Relations Coordinator & Program Associate at (202) 833-6130 or AKeammerer@LULAC.org
Amanda Lee Keammerer-Aderibigbe National Community Relations Coordinator & Program Associate AKeammerer@LULAC.org LULAC National Office 2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610 | Washington, DC 20036 | Tel: (202) 833-6130 Fax: (202) 833-6135