Resolution - Universal Health Care
WHEREAS, It is generally accepted in the global community that health should be considered a fundamental human right. WHEREAS, the major international organizations, to which the United States is a member such as the United Nations and the Organization of American States, recognize the right to health services of all human beings. WHEREAS, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the American Declaration of the Rights and Responsibilities of man reaffirm the inalienable right to health as access to the necessary health services. WHEREAS, the United States remains the only highly developed industrial democracy to deny universal health care coverage to all its citizens. WHEREAS, these are 46 mmillion citizens uninsured in the United States, 16% of the population. WHEREAS, the lack of health insurance has serious consequences in the individual which is less likely to receive needed health services, resulting in higher levels of mortrality and morbidity (illness.) WHEREAS, the minorities in the United States and particularly the Hispanic population, suffers disproportionaely greater lack of insurance, and the mortality and consequent decreased life expectancy and increase burden of disease. THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESLOVED, that LULAC vigorously petition the United States Congress and the President to adopt a policy of Universal Health insurance coverage for all the citizens and residents, and that in proceed forthwith to implement the system that will make the United States of America “one nation, with liberty and justice and health care for all”. Approved this 11th day of July 2008. |