Resolution - D.Q. University

WHEREAS, D.Q. University was established for the purpose of providing access to higher education to all indigenous people since its inception. After more than 30 years serving the students and community and being home to many local, national, and international gatherings, the doors of D.Q. U. were closed to the students. The current Board of Trustees have failed to comply the Superior Court of California order 2005 to bring D.Q. U. back to full operation as an educational institution.

WHEREAS, since the BOT has failed to maintain their Non-Profit status, they are not a legitimate board, yet the BOT has allowed to continue or initiated the illegal use of up to 100 acres of D.Q.U. land, by leasing Land for farming to a Yolo County Supervisor who as been farming D.Q.U. land for about 30 years.

WHEREAS, the illegitimate BOT, which included two BIA employees, illegally arrested students and community members gathered to celebrate Cesar E. Chavez’ birthday by making false claims of trespassing. Students and community members were terrorized with the use of the lethal force by the Yolo County Sheriffs.

WHERAS, D.Q.U. land has been blessed to be home of many endangered species of wild life and native plants, including the burrowing miniature shrimp, beavers, and native Americans, and is protected land that been sprayed with carcinogenic pesticide, among other toxic substances.

WHEREAS, the D.Q.U. students took responsibility to obtain non-profit status and have had a presence there continuously, since before accreditation, D.Q.U. students further articulated, developed and maintained a viable educational community with volunteer instructors and community elders. The students and community are ready to step forward and return D.Q.U. to its original vision.

We call upon all NGO’s, civil and human rights organizations and aboriginal right organizations to follow suit with their own resolution in support of legislation to transfer the total control of D.Q. University to the students, elders, and community.

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the State of California LULAC membership convention, wholeheartedly endorses the work of the students, elder community and of D.Q.U. Inc. and will submit this resolution to the LULAC convention, July 7-12, 2008, in Washington, D.C.

Approved this 11th day of July 2008.
Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President