Resolution - Affirmative Action

WHEREAS, the League of United Latin American Citizens is the nation’s oldest and largest Latino organization, founded in Corpus Christi, Texas on February 24, 1929; and

WHEREAS, LULAC throughout its history has committed itself to the principles that Latinos have equal access to opportunities in employment, education, housing and healthcare; and

WHEREAS, LULAC has supported the principles of equal opportunities for economic development, political influence, civil rights, and the general welfare for all Latinos in the United States, and

WHEREAS, Affirmative Action programs create educational, employment and other opportunities for, Latinos, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, People with Disabilities, Women and other underserved communities, and

WHEREAS, Segregation in Education and Segregation in Employment are directly linked to Segregation in Housing, and

WHEREAS, the elimination of Affirmative Action leads to segregation in schools and in employment and therefore in housing, and

WHEREAS, states have passed anti-affirmative action measures that have had devastating effects on people of color, people with disab8iliites, Asian- Americans, women, students and other underserved communities, and

WHEREAS, efforts are being made in additional states to consider such measures to eliminate equal opportunity.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Arizona League of United Latin American Citizens oppose any Legislation or Initiative that seeks to end Affirmative Action in the State of Arizona and that we join with LULAC National to oppose these initiative throughout the United States.

Approved this 11th day of July 2008.
Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President