

WHEREAS, the documentary, “The War,” about the participation of minorities in World War II left out that of Hispanic soldiers, sailors and airmen; and,

WHEREAS, due to the protests by various Hispanic organizations, the producer, Ken Burns, decided to attach a statement to the documentary that Hispanics did, in fact, participate; and,

WHEREAS, the aforementioned preamble commentary would not describe the quality and extent of Hispanic service, protests were again made by Hispanic groups, and the producer hired a Hispanic filmmaker to develop a segment similar to that depicting Japanese-Americans and Black-Americas in World War II; and,

WHEREAS, at this time, no contact has been made with Hispanic New Mexico veterans, a risk exists that New Mexico’s participation by military units such as the 120th Combat Engineer, the 200th Coast Artillery and the 204th Antitank Battalions and thousands of individuals could be omitted; and
WHEREAS, is it a documented fact that legends of heroes have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor including: Lucian Adams, John. P. Baca, David Barkley, Philip Bazaar, Roy P. Benavidez, Rudolph B. Davila, Joseph H. Decastro, Ralph E. Dias, Daniel Fernandez, Fernando Luis Garcia, Marcario Garcia, Emilio A. de la Garza, Edward Gomez, Harold Gonsalves, Alfredo Gonzalez, David M. Gonzales, Ambrosio Guillen, Rodolfo P. Hernandez, Silvestre S. Herrera, Jose Francisco Jimenez, Miguel Keith, Baldomero Lopez, Jose M. Lopez, Carlos James Lozada, Benito Martinez, Martinez, Eugene Arnold Obregon, John Ortega, Manuel Perez Jr., Louis R. Rocco, Cleto Rodriguez, Joseph C. Rodriguez, Euripides Rubio, Alejandro R. Ruiz, Hector Santiago-Colon, France Silva, Jose F. Valdez, Jay R. Vargas Jr., Humbert Roque “Rocky” Versace, Ysmael R. Villegas, Maximo Yabes;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, LULAC will endorse all efforts to obtain and assure that the New Mexico participants in World War II get full representation in the documentary, “The War,”

THEREFORE LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the LULAC New Mexico Proclamation be submitted for action to the Chicago National LULAC Convention and copies by additionally submitted to Director Ken Burns, historian Dr. Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez, and filmmaker Hector Galan, referencing New Mexico historian Dr. Miguel Encinias (Commissioner, National World War II Memorial and veteran of World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam Conflict).

Approved this 14th day of July 2007.

Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President

LULAC  l  2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610  l  Washington, DC 20036  l  (202) 833-6130  Fax: (202) 833-6135