Homeward Bound Fund WHEREAS,
the League of United Latin American Citizens is
the nation’s oldest and largest Latino
membership organization and since its inception
has fostered higher education and the
advancement of all Hispanics at all levels and
facets of our American society; and
WHEREAS, the majority of the
LNESC Centers scored over the 90th percentile
for eligibility for funding via the Homeward
Bound Program. Several non-Latino programs that
scored below the required scores and much lower
than several of the LNESC Programs; and
WHEREAS, the Homeward Bound
Program immediately remedied the situation and
lowered the score to 70th percentile for
qualification for funding, which should have
qualified even the LNESC Centers, however,
Homeward Bound excluded LNESC and allowed the
other programs funding due to arbitrarily
creating a loop hole because these other
programs were pre-existing; and
WHEREAS, the LNESC Centers
services are just as much needed and viable in
our respective communities; and
the League demand that our Hispanic
Congressional Caucus urge that Homeward Bound
also include LNESC for funding since all of
these centers exceeded the scoring criteria for
Approved this 14th day of July
Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President |