Support for Latinos in the News Media
WHEREAS, Latino’s comprise the largest ethnic
segment of the US Population at over 44 Million
and California is home to the most Latinos than
any other state in the country; and
WHEREAS, the annual purchasing
power of Latinos is over $860 Billion and
growing annually at 8.2% which signifies a 450%
growth between 1990 and 2011; and
WHEREAS, it is important that
the news media that is transmitted through the
public airwaves, accurately and adequately
represent the Latino community; and
WHEREAS, News stations need
reporters and news caster’s who understand
Latinos; their hopes, dreams and challenges; and
WHEREAS, the large Latino
audience needs to see and interact with Latino
news professionals who swerve as positive role
models for our youth; and
WHEREAS, LULAC’s mission is to
advance the economic condition, educational
attainment, political influence, health and
civil rights of our Latino population of the
United States; and
WHEREAS, the transformation of
neighborhoods and national events to the living
rooms and minds of Americans occurs with the
coverage and reporting by the news media; and
WHEREAS, the need for accurate
and positive coverage becomes the most important
element in the dissemination of news stories to
mainstram America and particularly to our own
communities; and
WHEREAS, it is important that
all facets of the news assignments, news
reporting emphasize the diversity of our nation
including a stron stble presence on and off
screen and the airwaves; and
WHEREAS, our community has
seen a recent regression of on-camera news
anchors and reporters who represent our Latino
community; and
WHEREAS, there is an immediate
need to address the issue whole-heartedly today,
before a total loss of experienced and ffair
representation in the positions of reporting
events and providing editorial; and
the California State LULAC pledges to hold
television owners and it’s executive management
accountable for hiring, retaining and promoting
news anchors, reporters, news directors,
producers, and photojournalist who represent the
Latino community; and that California LULAC does
hereby commit to advocate for the leveraging of
Latino buying power to persuade, engage, and
partner with major media companies for the
mutual benefit of them and our Latino
communities in the US.
Approved this 14th day of July
Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President |