

Whereas, the Garifuna people are the largest African origin ethnic group in Central America, have established communities in the United States, and have established the LULAC-GEM (Garinagu Empowerment Movement) Council; and 

Whereas, the Garifuna people established the first African Republic in the Western Hemisphere and aided America’s fight for independence by fighting the British for their own freedom, forcing the British to divert two regiments who would otherwise have fought the troops of the Continental Army; and 

Whereas, the Garifuna’s courage in opposing the British resulted in their forced exile and the death of half of their people; and 

Whereas, the United Nations has recognized the unique cultural contribution of the Garifuna people and the City of Los Angeles has declared April 12 as an official city holiday, Garifuna Settlement Day.  

therefore be it resolved, that LULAC calls upon all California School Districts to include curricula about Garifuna history and culture during Black and Latino history months.


Adopted this 1st day of July 2006.

Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President

LULAC  l  2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610  l  Washington, DC 20036  l  (202) 833-6130  Fax: (202) 833-6135