

Whereas, three housekeepers, working for a private homeowner, accused of taking personal property were deported by immigration authorities in Orange County; and 

Whereas, Deputy Orange Country Sheriffs responding to the scene contacted immigration authorities from the field; and 

Whereas, the housekeepers and their employer presented documentations as to their identities to the authorities; and 

Whereas, Deputy Orange County Sheriff’s violate the federal immigration laws by acting as enforcement officers of the United States Customs and Borders; and 

Whereas, this policy, by the sheriff, will have a chilling effect on the immigrant community contacting law enforcement for protections and reporting crimes; and 

Whereas, this policy has the effect of separating families and causing major financial and emotional borders for families; and  

Whereas, all persons have the right to due process of the law, equal protection of the law and rights under the international covenant on civil and political rights of the Vienna Convention,   

Therefore, be it resolved, that LULAC condemns the actions of Deputy Orange County Sheriff contacting the United States Customs and Borders officials from the field in investigating reports. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that LULAC opposes the policy of any law enforcement officers contacting immigration authorities from the field in investigating reports.

Adopted this 1st day of July 2006.

Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President

LULAC  l  2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610  l  Washington, DC 20036  l  (202) 833-6130  Fax: (202) 833-6135