
To Support the Dream Act

Whereas, the Dream Act was first introduced in the Senate 2001 and Congress failed to act for its approval and the Student Adjustment Act was introduced in the House of representatives; and

Whereas, this Dream Act and the Adjustment Act will again be introduced in 2005 with essentially the same elements within its body, that is to permit high school graduates who immigrated to the United States as minors and lived in the country for at least five years, to apply for legal pre-citizenship status; and

Whereas, students lacking their citizenship status should have equal opportunity to pursue post secondary education, obtain legal status and become citizens of the country they call home, the United States of America; and

Whereas, individuals who were brought to the United States as children, stay out of trouble and meet the universal requirements for high school graduation deserve to be judged according to their own character and merit regardless of their country of birth or immigrant status; and

Whereas, Santa Ana LULAC No.147 in energizing its members to assist the student driven Dream team to concentrate in obtaining community and legislative support for the Act; and

Whereas, the California Dream Act would reduce the dropout rate if immigrant students, the children of undocumented immigrants, who are far more likely to drop put of high school than their California counterparts; and

Whereas, the California Dream Act would provide a mechanism of for certain long term resident immigrant students to attend to a four year institution with the goal of obtaining a bachelors Degree and ultimately giving them then opportunity to rise above form the under represented sector of the population; and

Whereas, by enacting the California Dream Act the Regents of the University of California and the Board of Governors of the Community Colleges would recognize what is "de facto" true those undocumented California residents belong in the California's higher education system; and

Whereas, this students can not wait until Congress solves all the problems of our broken immigration system and if Congress fails to act this year another entire class of outstanding high school students would graduate without any future plans; and

Whereas, the California Dream Act would request regents of the University of California to establish procedures that enable persons who are exempt form paying on resident tuition to participate on all student aid programs administered by the segments; and

Therefore, be it resolved that California LULAC endorses the Legislative Bill yet introduced that will allow thousands of young students to realize their education dreams; and

Therefore, be it resolved that councils be encouraged to assist in the effort of the Orange County Dream team by signing up as council supporters; and

Therefore, be it resolved that California LULAC at its 58 annual Convention support State Senator Gil Cedillo's Bill SB160 which would address the education and financial assistance of undocumented students attempting to enter higher education,


Adopted this 2nd day of July 2005.

Hector M. Flores
LULAC National President

LULAC  l  2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610  l  Washington, DC 20036  l  (202) 833-6130  Fax: (202) 833-6135