
No to Military Recruitment in America's High Schools

WHEREAS, America's national legislators approved the "No Child left Behind'" in 2001 mandating schools to provide student directory information to recruiters, or face the cut-off of federal funds for uncooperative schools; and

WHEREAS, the US military has blatantly enticed and bribed young students to join the armed forces through high school campus recruiters; and

WHEREAS, there has been a steady campaign to raise the enlistment of the military ranks by recruiting students to be used as cannon fodder; and

WHEREAS, The Iraqi War continues in its third year and the major military branches are falling bellow their recruitment goals in 2005; and

WHEREAS, teenagers are easily influenced by overly aggressive recruiters and entrenched focus is being made in schools with high Latino and low-income student enrollments;

BE IT RESOLVED, that LULAC Orange County District #1 opposes an unbalanced intrusion by military recruiters into the lives of young students in high schools; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that LULAC Orange County District #1 take steps to discourage these unfair tactics used by recruiters to meet their branch quotas; and

BE IT RESOLVED, .that this resolution be presented at the state and national LULAC conventions for approval and adoption by the convention assembly delegates; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that California LULAC support the positions as noted above .and also take action to oppose these recruiting methods within the high schools.

Resolution Submitted by Ed Garza, Santa Ana LULAC #147

Adopted this 2nd day of July 2005.

Hector M. Flores
LULAC National President

LULAC  l  2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610  l  Washington, DC 20036  l  (202) 833-6130  Fax: (202) 833-6135