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Press Release

LULAC Calls for Preservation of Top 10% Admissions Rule National Board Supports Continuation of Successful Policy

March 30, 2005

Austin, TX – The National Board of the League of United Latin American Citizens voted unanimously to support the continuation of a Texas law that guarantees college admission to students who rank in the top 10 percent of their high school class. Citing the 10 percent plan’s success at increasing diversity in Texas public universities, LULAC opposes any attempts to abolish the law. 

“It is clear to anyone who looks at enrollment data that the 10% plan has increased diversity in our colleges and universities,” stated Hector M. Flores, LULAC National President. “If the 10% plan were to be abolished it would destroy the tremendous opportunity that the program has created and turn back the clock on diversity in Texas.” 

The university admissions law was adopted after a 1996 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision that eliminated affirmative action in Texas college admissions. Since the 10% law was passed, the number of Hispanic and black students admitted to Texas universities has more than doubled. 

“Texas LULAC is firmly in support of preserving the 10% admissions rule,” stated Roger C. Rocha, Jr., LULAC Texas State Director. “This rule provides an equal opportunity for all Texans to receive a good education and achieve the American dream.” 

LULAC plans to lobby the Texas legislature to preserve the plan which had been championed by the late Texas Legislator Irma Rangel. 

“Representative Rangel pioneered this landmark legislation and it was supported by President George W. Bush when he was Governor,” stated Flores. “LULAC commends Texas Senator Royce West from Dallas and other legislators for their ardent support of the 10% plan. We won’t let the opponents of equal opportunity jettison this plan simply because it has proven to be effective.” 

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the oldest and largest Latino civil rights organization in the United States.  LULAC advances the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health, and civil rights of Hispanic Americans through community-based programs run by more than 700 LULAC councils nationwide.


LULAC  l  2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610  l  Washington, DC 20036  l  (202) 833-6130  Fax: (202) 833-6135