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Press Release
Youth Rule out Privatization - Offer Varied Ideas for Social
Security’s Solvency
The 2005 LULAC
Washington Youth Seminar Futuro Seguro The Future of Social
October 3, 2005, Contact:
Charles Tamez,
(202) 835-9685
Washington DC- 50 Latino student leaders
from all over the country met last Wednesday
during the LULAC Washington Youth Leadership
Seminar to discuss the future of Social
Security. The young leaders concluded that the
Bush Administration's proposals for creating private
accounts would not address the concerns or
problems faced by the system, nor would they
contribute to the solvency of Social Security.
For the past 70 years Social Security has worked
for millions of Americans. The students have
stated that members of Congress should work to
strengthen and improve the current system, and
ensure its solvency and survival for all
generations of Americans.
Attached is a list of statements on Social
Security developed by the young leaders in their
conference last week.
The 2005 LULAC Washington
Youth Seminar
Futuro Seguro: The Future
of Social Security
Participant Position Paper 9/28/05
On Wednesday, September 28, 2005, 53
outstanding young Hispanic leaders met during
the LULAC Washington Youth Leadership Seminar to
discuss the future of the Social Security
program. After an intensive discussion the
students adopted the following positions as
representative of their views:
Social Security Works: We believe
that Social Security has been one of the
most successful Federal programs ever
created. For the past 70 years, Social
Security has ensured millions of elderly
Americans have a secure retirement.
Nevertheless, we believe that the program
does have some flaws that need mending and
we encourage members from both parties of
Congress to work together to strengthen and
improve program.
Hispanics Rely on Social Security:
Elderly Hispanics rely more on social
security than other retirees because they
have fewer assets and often have no other
retirement savings. Fewer Hispanics have
access to employment-based retirement
programs such as pensions and 401K plans.
For many retired Latinos Social Security is
their only safety net keeping them out of
Privatization is not the Answer:
While we like the concept of having a
portion of our payroll taxes going to an
account that the government will not be able
to borrow from, we do not believe that
creating private carve out accounts is
feasible because of the huge transition
costs and our concern that these accounts
will benefit wealthy individuals at the
expense of lower income Americans. Our pay
as you go system has worked for 70 years and
can continue to work if Congress acts now to
address the long term solvency issue.
Hispanic Immigrants Contribute to the
Long Term Solvency of Social Security:
Hispanic immigrants have helped to
strengthen social security by increasing the
number of workers supporting today’s
retirees. Undocumented immigrants currently
pay billions into the system, but rarely get
any benefits in return. We believe that
comprehensive immigration reform could help
strengthen the long term solvency of Social
Security by bringing in more workers to help
pay for retiring baby boomers.
Solvency Can Best Be Attained Through a
Combination of Benefit Cuts and Tax
Increases: A majority of us felt that
the long term solvency of Social Security
can best be attained through a combination
of benefit cuts and payroll tax increases.
Extending the age of retirement, increasing
the amount of salary subject to the payroll
tax up to $150,000 and indexing benefits to
inflation rather than wages combined with
modest increases in the payroll tax rate
will ensure the long term solvency of Social
Social Security’s Long Term Solvency is
of Paramount Importance to Future
Generations: How Congress addresses
Social Security today will have tremendous
ramifications for our generation. If
Congress does nothing to address the long
term solvency of Social Security, the
program will be unable to provide full
benefits starting in 2042. On the other
hand, proposed solutions that add to our
deficit will have to be paid back by our
generation as well. We call upon Congress to
act now and make the tough decisions now so
that Americans of all ages are called upon
to contribute to the solution.
Congress Should Encourage More Retirement
Savings in Addition to Social Security:
While Social Security has been successful as
a safety net program for our nation’s
elderly, in reality most Americans should be
saving more for their retirement than they
currently are. We believe that Congress
should require employers to offer their full
time workers access to retirement savings
programs in addition to Social Security.
Social Security should Remain
Progressive: We believe that lower
income Americans should continue to receive
a proportionally higher return from Social
Security than higher income Americans.
Increased Investment in Education will
Strengthen Social Security: We believe
that strengthening education in the United
States will simultaneously contribute to the
long term solvency of social security
because higher education raises income and
increases payroll tax revenue.
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