Press Release For Immediate Release,
August 18, 2004
Contact: Lorraine Quiroga,
LULAC Opposes Hospitals Acting as
Immigration Agents
Proposal will Create More Problems that it will
Washington, DC – The
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
strongly opposes a plan that would require
hospitals to collect immigrant information from
its patients that could possibly lead to
Last year, the Medicare
Modernization Act was passed and currently there
are pending regulations that could cause
devastating results. The Act offers desperately
needed fiscal relief in the form of $1 billion
over four years. Proposed regulations state
that in order to be eligible for the funds
hospitals would be required to collect
immigration information from its patients. As a
result this plan would compel doctors to conduct
racial profiling on their patients.
LULAC acknowledges that
hospitals are overburdened with costs and that
states are in deficit, however, this plan does
not offer a reasonable solution. While this
proposed rule would provide immediate fiscal
relief for hospitals the downside is that in the
long run it would prove to be more costly to
society as a whole. Because the proposal would
undoubtedly frighten many undocumented
immigrants from coming forward to obtain
necessary treatment, the chances of infectious
diseases spreading in our society will
“With contagious diseases and
illnesses such as tuberculosis being major
concerns in our communities the last thing we
need to do is turn away people who need
treatment,” said LULAC National President Hector
Flores. “Leaving such persons untreated means
that inevitably we will all suffer the
consequences. We should not ask our doctors to
act as immigration agents. Doctors take an oath
to serve all of the sick in our societies, and
therefore it is a contradiction for them to
participate in racial profiling as well,” added
The League of United Latin
American Citizens (LULAC) is the oldest and
largest Latino civil rights organization in the
United States. LULAC advances the economic
condition, educational attainment, political
influence, health, and civil rights of Hispanic
Americans through community-based programs
operating at more than 700 LULAC councils
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