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For Immediate Release
November 7, 2002

Contact: Lorraine Quiroga

LULAC Recognizes Teófilo Espinoza for his Lifetime of Service

Dallas, Texas--Teófilo Espinoza has been recognized as a great leader in the Hispanic community. Despite Mr. Espinoza's humble background, he has always managed to give back to his community. Mr. Espinoza embodies the spirit of voluntarism, giving selflessly to Hispanics for years in the form of service, advice and money.

Mr. Espinoza faced discrimination as a child when he was refused entrance into elementary school. Mr. Espinoza turned this negative experience into a positive one by fighting for the rights of Hispanics in this country.

During his lifetime, Mr. Espinoza worked with his family and served in both World Wars, including service under General Douglas MacArthur in the South Pacific. Not only was Mr. Espinoza one of the founders of the League of United Latin American Citizens, he also founded La Voz del Anciano, an organization that protects the rights of Hispanic senior

Mr. Espinoza never had children of his own, but he sees all Hispanic youth as his children. Accordingly, Mr. Espinoza has given several talks to teenagers about the importance of staying in school and off drugs and alcohol.

LULAC plans to recognize Mr. Espinoza for his countless contributions to the Hispanic community. LULAC will celebrate Mr. Espinoza's lifetime of achievement on December 14, 2002, when LULAC will officially dedicate the LNESC Dallas center to Mr. Espinoza. At that time, LULAC will give Mr. Espinoza a lifetime membership. All local LULAC members are invited to attend the celebration. (See below for more details). We are compiling a memory book for the celebration and we encourage all LULAC members to send congratulations cards to Mr. Espinoza at the following address:

LULAC Executive Office
4245 N Central Expressway
Suite 600C
Dallas, TX 75205.

In order for your card to be included in the memory book we need to receive all cards by December 3, 2002.

Please mark your calendar:

DATE: Saturday, December 14, 2002
TIME: 10:30 - 11:30 am
EVENT: LULAC honoring Teofilo Espinoza for his numerous years of
selfless community service to the Latino community
PLACE: Doctors Nursing Home - 214.355.3344
9009 White Rock Trail; Dallas, Texas
in Main Activity Room (contact person at home - Lynn Jacobson or Michelle Abrecombree)

* Refreshments and cake
* Mariachis and Mi Esculita Children will perform
* Presentation of Lifetime Membership certificate, LULAC pin
* Memory book
* Presentation of rocking chair
* Proclamation
* Dedication plaque for LNESC .

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the oldest and largest Latino civil rights organization in the United States. LULAC advances the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health and civil rights of Hispanic Americans through community-based programs operating at more than 700 LULAC councils nationwide.

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