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Hispanic Political Appointees

Comparison between Clinton Administration's

First and Second Terms*

(*positions announced/filled as of June 30, 1997)

  Cabinet Agencies  PAS        Latinos SES        Latinos      Schd. C  Latinos     Average GAppoint.htmlÿÖsœ¦è¦TEXTStMlÁ´×[´×[ÿÿPPPOIN~1HTMNHLARC.htmlþ ¦è¥àTEXTStMl±M%L±M%øÿÿOHLARC~1HTMPaez.htmlþ ¦è¥àTEXTStMla±NS´×<ÿÿNAEZ~1 HTMPaezLtr.html ¦è¥àTEXTStMl!´×Ê´×ÿÿMAEZLT~1HTMn is an hÿBîistoric event for ur 68-year-old organization andis part of a series of changes e are making that are outlined n the LULAC 2000 five-year straegic plan. Our goal is to tranform LULAC into one of the largst membership-based organizatios in the country that advocatesfor and provides services to al Hispanic populations in the Unted States. We hope that you cn join us to discuss how LULAC an have a stronger impact in Wahington on behalf of our communty. We are also enclosing À  ÁÁÁ ÁÁ*CÎan invtation for an open house from 4pm to 7 pm on March 4th. Pleas share it with your staff. Plese call Irma Esparza at (202) 48-0060 to RSVP for the events. Thank you for your support. Sicerely,ÿªÀm%Belen Robles ULAC National President;      1% 141       5       3%            F
                    1994 46        1        2% 89       2        2%  155       2       1%            F
Education     1997 12        3       25% 18       2      11% 126     10       8%            A
                    1994 15        3       20% 20       2      10% 134     15     11%             A
Energy          1997 11        1        9%  29       3      10%   73       8     11%            B
                    1994 17        0        0% 33       1        3%   70       5       7%             D
HHS            1997 16        1        6%  64       6        9%   54       7      13%            B
                    1994 19        2       10% 70       6        9%   69       7      10%            B
HUD            1997  8         1       12% 24       3      13%    71       6        8%            A
                    1994 13     &nb ‰„Ë(‰„Ë(*.. ‰„Ë(‰„Ë(*åPPOIN~1HTM ‰„Ë(‰„Ë(*>åHLARC~1HTM ‰„Ë(‰„Ë(*>åAEZ~1 HTM ‰„Ë(‰„Ë(*>åAEZLT~1HTM ‰„Ë(‰„Ë(*>‡ Oý žý׺½û¯uï~ëÝ{ߺ÷^÷î½×½û¯u~ëÝLÇÿÀú/úŠƒþ¶¯¿uî­_æ?üɱÿkþèŸßº÷U9ïÝ{¯{÷^ëÞý׺ÿÙ2        5%   40       2        5%            C
                    1994 14        0        0% 36       1        3%   52       3        6%            D 
Justice          1997 25        2        8% 49       1        2%   70       6        9%            C
                    1994 25        1        4% 52       3        6%   83       7        8%            C
Labor           1997 10        1      10%  26       3       12%    67       6        9%            B
                    1994 17        1        6%  29       5       17%    84       7        8%            B
State            1997 26        1        4% 40       2         5%   88     10      11%            C    
                    1994 36        0        0% 27       2         7%   76       5        7%            D
Trans.           1997 18        1        6%  28       2         7%   32       5      16%            B
                    1994 19        4      21%  35       5        14%   44       9      20%            A
Treasury       1997 20        1        5% 38       3          8%   62       6      10%            B
                    1994 19        2      11%  30       4        13%   58       4        7%            B
Veterans'      1997  8         1      13% 6         0         0%    16       0        0%            D
                    1994 11        1        9% 3         1        33%   13       0        0%            C

TOTAL       1997 246     18       7% 549     34      6%   1,055     88     8%            C
                    1994 293     20       7% 551     42      7% 1,261   105     8%            C

TOTAL 1997:   NUMBER OF POSTS  1,850      LATINOS 140% (7%)         GRADE "C"

TOTAL 1994:   NUMBER OF POSTS  2,105      LATINOS 167% (7%)         GRADE "C"


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